Friday, August 29, 2008

WCW Bash at the Beach 1996 Review

WCW Bash at the Beach 1996

This is the PPV that changed WCW and the world of professional wrestling forever, i can't remember much except for the main event and the opening match so let's check out how the actual show was.

- Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio Jr.
This should be another good match from both the luchadores. This was a really good match, i really like Psicosis he has a great style nice technical style mixed with spots, Psicosis brought the wrestling and Rey Rey brought the crazy ass spots. Great way to start the show but it's a shame these two were opening the show when they should have been further the card. Match ended with the Splash Mountain reversal into a Rana finish.
*** 1/4

- Big Bubba vs John Tenta (Silver Dollars in a sack on a pole match)
Oh boy, this match is going to be a mess. This was just horrible and if there was ever a competition for the worst haircut..Tennta would have won with his half skullet.

- DDP vs Jim Duggan (Taped Fist Lord of the Ring Match)
What is with all the fucking stipulations, Lord of the ring?!?! Are they going to fight near a volcano? This should be another crappy match but at least better than Bubba/Tenta. This match was another piece of stinking crap, nothing to mention here, this show is really going downhill.

- Public Enemy vs Nasty Boys (Tag Team Dog Collar Match)
Oh brother this doesn't look promising. This was another boring ass match, a whole lot of brawling..maybe a tad more interesting than the last two matches.

- Dean Malenko (c) vs Disco Inferno (WCW Cruiserweight Title)
Is Disco even a cruiserweight? Well i don't think highly of Disco but Malenko is one hell of a worker and can carry him to a good match, this could be good. This was a decent match, Disco was alright and Dean did a decent job of carrying Disco.
* 3/4

- Joe Gomez vs Steve 'Mongo' McMichael
Just fantastic, well i see this being a short squash cause i have never even heard of Gomez amazing this made PPV. This was better than i expected but crap nonetheless this ends with the Tombstone Piledriver from Mongo.

- Konnan (c) vs Ric Flair (WCW United States Title)
This should be a tight match, Ric Flair is well Ric Flair and Konnan is alright. This was a pretty good match, Konnan dominated most of it and it is not really Ric Flair's best match.Konnan was pretty good still from transitioning from Lucha to WCW, this was a good match with a little too much interfierence and a pretty bad finish. Overall a good match but not great.
** 3/4

- Arn Anderson & Chris Benoit vs Kevin Sullivan & The Giant
This could be decent, Benoit & Anderson are great, Sullivan is alright and Giant wasn't so bad back then. This was a short but good match, it started with some nice psychology with the Horsemen using quick tags and working on Sullivan not wanting to get the big man into the match, Anderson & Benoit are such great psychologists, eventually Sullivan countered a piledriver attempt and got the tag to Giant, who finished Arn with a Chokeslam for the win.
** 1/2

- The Outsiders vs Sting, Randy Savage & Lex Luger
I can't really remember this match but it could be good and of course it is with the legendary finish where Hogan turns on WCW to create the nWo! This match was decent, Luger went out early and then it was the Outsiders dominating Sting, Sting gets the tag to Savage, he cleans house but after a low blow from Nash he goes down. Out comes Hogan and the rest as they call it is history.
Overall not much to see here except the main event and the opener which you probably can watch on youtube, mildly recommeded for historic value.

TNA Hard Justice 2007 Review

TNA Hard Justice 2007
Not my favorite promotion but i was bored, anyway the show pretty decent so why not?

Black Machismo & Sonjay Dutt vs Motor City Machine Guns vs Triple X
I don't care for Sonjay Dutt plus that jackass grin is really getting annoying he reminds me of Mr. Ass from that old Wrestlemania game for the N64, MCM i have heard they are great plus they have a cool name going for them. It's great to see Senshi back but it's a shame he's in the opener and not further down the card, i love that guy. The guy who wins this match will get a shot at the X Division title, so it's like a tag and every man for himself at the same time..geez TNA. This was a pretty decent match, it may have been a spotfest and everybody may have been spot monkeys with the exception of Black Machinsmo and Triple X but Triple X really saved this match making the best out of it.
** 1/2

- Raven vs Kaz
This can't be good, old Raven against Kaz who i don't think too highly off to begin with oh well. Sweet jesus Raven is the size of the whale, Raven still has the psychology to put on a decent match but this was super bland, Raven dominates than Kaz does some weird dropkick for the win.

- Rhino vs James Storm (Barrom Brawl)
A Bar Room Brawl is just another name for another No DQ match which i would figure is how things go because the last match the ref saw Raven hit Kaz with a Kendo Stick and didn't do anything, i don't know nothing in TNA ever makes any fucking sense. This match was horrible, Rhino just beat the shit ouf of James Storm in a very corny set up with kegs of "acohol" and a "Bar Room", there's a toilet there too well when you gotta take a shit you gotta take a shit, the match started with Rhino who's supposed to be on the wagon drinking all the beer, vodka and other shit getting drunk and beating the shit out of storm, then he starts getting groggy Storm wins by smashing a beer bottle on Rhino's head, horrible horrible match.

- VKM vs LAX
I wonder if the booking behind this was just let's put the teams with initials in a match anyway, a has been WWE tag team and least one team is awesome. This was a bland match that seemed more fitting for something on TV than a PPV, VKM work the back of Homicide than LAX make a comeback but with the help of VKM's valet "The VoDoo Queen" she throws salt into the eyes of Hernandez and VKM gets the win. I thought that gimmick was reserved for Japanese hmmm anyway after VKM win Hector Guerrero tells the ref that VKM cheated and the referee this time just takes his word because who can you trust if you can't trust the Gobeldy Gooker, Homicide than gets a roll up and LAX's the fucking finish from Wrestlemania with Hogan,Bret & Yokozuna all over again.
- Eric Young vs Robert Roode (Ultimate Humiliation Match)
The loser get's tared and feathered, oh boy haven't we seen this match over and over again? This match was pretty decent, Robert Roode is bland as hell but Eric Young isn't half bad, Roode started out dominating than Eric started making some comebacks. Eric Young got some offense untill eventually in the end Robert Roode won with the "Power of the Punch" I.E hitting EY with Brass Knucks then hiding him in his tights. After the eventhough Eric Young loses with the help of Gail Kim, Miss Brooks is the one that get's tared and much for sticking to the motherfucking stipulation.
* 3/4

- Black Reign vs Chris Harris
Oh brother this is going to be a long one, Rhodes does some great promo's but jesus did they stick him with a shitty gimmick. Is it just me or is this Seven all over again except the WCW one ended up with a funny promo. This is just a squash with Black Reign beating the shit out of Chris Harris until after knocking down two ref's, he finally get's Dq'ed.

- The Steiner Brothers vs Team 3-D
In their primes this would be a fucking awesome match but now it's just watching two pair of has been's going at it, hopefully i can be proved wrong.
I'll be damned this was actually a decent match, Team 3-D were decent showing some psychology working on a spot where Scott Steiner has been injured. Steiners just did what they always to and Scott to his credit pulled off a beautiful Top Rope Frankensteiner, Rick Steiner looks like shit though the match ended when the Steiners used a Double Steiner Bulldog for the win.

- Abyss, Andrew Martin & Sting vs AJ Styles, Christian Cage & Tomko (Doomsday Chamber of Blood Match)
Styles. Cage & Sting are the only ones half way decent in this match and Doomsday Chamber of they are really re-chanelling the spirits of WCW's crap aren't they? The gimmick here is that you have to make your opponent bleed than you can pin him, what ever happened to a simple cage match? This match was horrible, it started with team Christian dominating Abyss & Test then Sting came in to save the day eventually Tomko and Abyss bled. Christian Cage left the ring and leaving Tomko & Styles to get their ass kicked, with his trusty bag of broken glass, Abyss powerslams Styles onto the broken glass for the win which now apparently makes him the no.1 contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Title...ah TNA.

- Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe (Winner Takes All)
They smashed both these guys with so many titles and now this match is for all five titles this including mind you Tag Team & X Division titles. Well Kurt is still a good worker and Joe is another great worker so crappy storylines or not this should make for a pretty good match, eventhough their last encounters were not the classics people were hoping for they were damn good matches. This match was extremely mdeciocre, they focused too much on Karen Angle, both didn't seem to put much effort in their performances and if all of that wasn't bad enough we have a shitty finish where Karen helps Kurt win the title, whoop de fucking doo..worst of the series.

Overall it was a horrible show with the opener, Steioner/3-D and Angle/Joe being the only decent matches to watch everything else was crap, not worth even renting.