Monday, September 1, 2008

AJPW 1/2/03 on Samurai TV! Review

AJPW 1/2/03 on Samurai TV!

This should be interesting i guess..i don't know.

- Masanobu Fuchi vs Taichi Ishikari
This was an alright opener, it was clipped so i'm not gonna rate it.

- Nobuzaku Hirai & Ryuji Hijikata vs Kazushi Miyamoto & Tomoaki Honma
This should be a tight match, all four workers are pretty good. This was a solid match, good back and forth action all over with neither team dominating. Good indy style puroresu match, Hijikata got the win for his team with a Fisherman's Buster on Honma for what i consider a slight upset.
** 3/4

- Amazing Red & Jimmy Yang vs Gran Naniwa & Super Dragon
I forgot what the hell Red called himself when he was wearing the mask in AJPW so i'm just going to refer to him as 'Red'. Nice selection of workers here with the exception of Red i can dig all the workers. This match was clipped a bit so no rating but it was nothing fantastic just an average match.

- Steve Williams, Mike Rotundo & Hideki Hosaka vs Kendo Kashin, Yoji Anjo & Abdullah the Butcher
This has crap written all over it. This was actually alright, team Dr. Death did a good job dominating the match and the other team were good in their short bursts, Butcher was just there to do his trademark stuff to get a nice pop. The match eventually ended with Butcher dropping the elbow on Hosaka for the win.

- Mike Awesome & Johnny Smith vs Satoshi Kojima & Shigeo Okamura
This should be a kick ass match, four great workers..this will be tight. This was a fucking solid match, it started with some nice slow wrestling from Kojima & Smith then the match moved to the Gaijin dominating with the home team making some small comebacks until Awesome finally won for his team with a Running Awesome Bomb onto Okamura for the three count.
- Arashi, Nobutaka Araya & Genichiro Tenryu vs Kaz Hayashi, George Hines & Keiji Muto
This should be another great match with a nice selection of workers except for Hines, who isn't THAT bad himself. This was another solid match, Team WAR did a great job at playing the heels and team Muto were great as the underdogs especially Kaz Hayashi, Team WAR dominated most part of the match but everytime Kaz would make a comeback the crowd would roar, Araya eventually used the Brainbuster to finish Hayashi off for the win.

Overall it was quite a nice show, nice matches all around, nothing bad but nothing to go out of your way to get.

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