Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bret Hart: The Best There is, Best There Was & Best There Ever Will Be (Disc One) Review

Bret Hart: The Best There is, Best There Was & Best There Ever Will Be (Disc One)

- British Bulldogs vs Hart Foundation
This was a great match, there was a decent story going with the heels working on Davey Boy and overall nice work from all four guys. The ending was lame as they didn't really flow into a finish and the time limit draw just seemed so sudden.
*** 3/4

- Hart Foundation vs Killer Bees
This one had a better story than the first one with the Foundation working on Brunzell quite a bit until the very end when Blair made a big comeback until another time limit, again this felt sudden but it was still a very good match.
*** 1/4

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