Saturday, January 24, 2009

ECW Heatwave 1999

- Danny Doring & Roadkill vs Chris Chetti & Nova
This was nothing but a whole lot of spots with the only real interesting part being Chetti dancing in the middle of the match, that was pretty funny.

- Jason vs Jazz

- Super Crazy vs Little Guido
This was also pretty spotty but it was a better showing than the opening match, ended with Super Crazy winning with a Crazy Bomb.

- Dudley Boys (c) vs Balls Mahoney & Spike Dudley (ECW Tag Team Titles)
This wasn't much just the usual Dudleyz hardcore brawl with a few spots.
* 3/4

- Taz (c) vs Yoshihiro Tajiri (ECW World Heavyweight Title)
This was quite a mess but Tajiri did good in carrying the whole match while Taz just did his usual stuff, there was one cool table spot and that was about it.
** 1/4

- Impact Players vs Jerry Lynn & Rob Van Dam
This was a decent match with the Impact Players working on Lynn building up for a comeback from RVD, RVD then just did his usual spots and the match kinda died from there.

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