Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin Disc One Review

The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin Disc One

- Hollywood Blondes vs Dos Hombres (WCW Tag Team Titles)
Dos Hombres are Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas, this was another good solid match. The usual story in a tag match with the heels working on the face until the faces make a comeback then everything goes back and forth. A botch by the bell ringer ringing the bell to fast kind of killed the finish but in the end with a Stun Gun, the Blondes won.

- Brian Pillman vs 'Stunning' Steve Austin
This was a solid match, nice spots from Pillman and good psychology from Austin (who in my opinion was one hell of a worker especially in his 'Stunning' days). Horrible finish though which kinda killed this match in the end sadly.
** 3/4

- Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat (WCW United States Title)
This was a good solid wrestling match, nothing too great or special other than it was some good old fashioned wrestlingm, their match at BOTB was better than this.
*** 1/4

- Mikey Whipwreck vs Steve Austin vs Sandman (ECW World Heavyweight Title)
This was another solid match, nice psychology from Austin as usual and the other two were alright. Sandman has always been a guilty pleasure of mine and seeing wrestling's two famous in-ring "drinkers" go at it was kinda cool after Mikey got eliminated by Austin.
** 3/4

- Savio Vega vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (Carribean Strap Match)
I thought this was going to suck but this was actually good, this was a solid match with Stone Cold doing his best to make Savio Vega look good and in the end we got a good match out of it.
** 1/2

- Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
This was one hell of a match and at first i wondered why they put this here instead of their Wrestlemania bout which was considered MOTY at the time but i can see why after watching this match, this was all Austin. Simple story here with Austin being the young lion trying to take over the throne of the veteran in Bret Hart but in the end the tricky veteran has a move up his sleeve, giving Bret the win countering the Million Dollar Dream (Cobra Clutch) using the turnbuckles to roll Austin up.
*** 3/4

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