Thursday, February 5, 2009

ECW Crossing the Line 1999 Review

ECW Crossing the Line 1999

- Little Guido vs Chris Chetti
This was an alright opener, nothing spectacular nor anything out of the usual stuff, Chetti did a cool spot to finish the match though.
* 3/4

- Danny Doring & Roadkill vs Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney
Just the normal Axl/Balls match which to be honest is always good fun but doesn't create for the greatest tag team wrestling not exactly The Briscoes or Andersons here.
* 3/4

- Super Crazy vs Yoshihiro Tajirji
This match was a lot of flash but a real lack of substance, there was full of great spots but it wasn't a great wrestling match still not a bad watch.
** 1/2

- Skull Von Krush vs Sabu (FTW World Title)
For those who don't know, Skull Von Krush is former WCW wrestler Big Vito. This match was nothing more than Sabu doing his spots and Von Krush doing a few moves. The most interesting part of this match was Sabu speaking during an ECW show stating "Taz Motherfucker Taz"...poetry.

- Steve Corino vs John Kronus
Both guys were having a basic match then Steve Corino did a Powerbomb and that pissed off someone, which was Sid Vicious and out he came to kick ass which kinda ended the match.

- Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn (ECW Television Title)
This was kinda messy but it was a decent match to watch, Rob Van Dam did his usual spots that everyone in the ECW crowd marks out for while Jerry Lynn brought some cool stuff to the table.
** 1/2

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