Thursday, February 5, 2009

ECW Crossing the Line 1999 Review

ECW Crossing the Line 1999

- Little Guido vs Chris Chetti
This was an alright opener, nothing spectacular nor anything out of the usual stuff, Chetti did a cool spot to finish the match though.
* 3/4

- Danny Doring & Roadkill vs Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney
Just the normal Axl/Balls match which to be honest is always good fun but doesn't create for the greatest tag team wrestling not exactly The Briscoes or Andersons here.
* 3/4

- Super Crazy vs Yoshihiro Tajirji
This match was a lot of flash but a real lack of substance, there was full of great spots but it wasn't a great wrestling match still not a bad watch.
** 1/2

- Skull Von Krush vs Sabu (FTW World Title)
For those who don't know, Skull Von Krush is former WCW wrestler Big Vito. This match was nothing more than Sabu doing his spots and Von Krush doing a few moves. The most interesting part of this match was Sabu speaking during an ECW show stating "Taz Motherfucker Taz"...poetry.

- Steve Corino vs John Kronus
Both guys were having a basic match then Steve Corino did a Powerbomb and that pissed off someone, which was Sid Vicious and out he came to kick ass which kinda ended the match.

- Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn (ECW Television Title)
This was kinda messy but it was a decent match to watch, Rob Van Dam did his usual spots that everyone in the ECW crowd marks out for while Jerry Lynn brought some cool stuff to the table.
** 1/2

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin Disc One Review

The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin Disc One

- Hollywood Blondes vs Dos Hombres (WCW Tag Team Titles)
Dos Hombres are Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas, this was another good solid match. The usual story in a tag match with the heels working on the face until the faces make a comeback then everything goes back and forth. A botch by the bell ringer ringing the bell to fast kind of killed the finish but in the end with a Stun Gun, the Blondes won.

- Brian Pillman vs 'Stunning' Steve Austin
This was a solid match, nice spots from Pillman and good psychology from Austin (who in my opinion was one hell of a worker especially in his 'Stunning' days). Horrible finish though which kinda killed this match in the end sadly.
** 3/4

- Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat (WCW United States Title)
This was a good solid wrestling match, nothing too great or special other than it was some good old fashioned wrestlingm, their match at BOTB was better than this.
*** 1/4

- Mikey Whipwreck vs Steve Austin vs Sandman (ECW World Heavyweight Title)
This was another solid match, nice psychology from Austin as usual and the other two were alright. Sandman has always been a guilty pleasure of mine and seeing wrestling's two famous in-ring "drinkers" go at it was kinda cool after Mikey got eliminated by Austin.
** 3/4

- Savio Vega vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (Carribean Strap Match)
I thought this was going to suck but this was actually good, this was a solid match with Stone Cold doing his best to make Savio Vega look good and in the end we got a good match out of it.
** 1/2

- Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
This was one hell of a match and at first i wondered why they put this here instead of their Wrestlemania bout which was considered MOTY at the time but i can see why after watching this match, this was all Austin. Simple story here with Austin being the young lion trying to take over the throne of the veteran in Bret Hart but in the end the tricky veteran has a move up his sleeve, giving Bret the win countering the Million Dollar Dream (Cobra Clutch) using the turnbuckles to roll Austin up.
*** 3/4

Saturday, January 24, 2009

ECW Heatwave 1999

- Danny Doring & Roadkill vs Chris Chetti & Nova
This was nothing but a whole lot of spots with the only real interesting part being Chetti dancing in the middle of the match, that was pretty funny.

- Jason vs Jazz

- Super Crazy vs Little Guido
This was also pretty spotty but it was a better showing than the opening match, ended with Super Crazy winning with a Crazy Bomb.

- Dudley Boys (c) vs Balls Mahoney & Spike Dudley (ECW Tag Team Titles)
This wasn't much just the usual Dudleyz hardcore brawl with a few spots.
* 3/4

- Taz (c) vs Yoshihiro Tajiri (ECW World Heavyweight Title)
This was quite a mess but Tajiri did good in carrying the whole match while Taz just did his usual stuff, there was one cool table spot and that was about it.
** 1/4

- Impact Players vs Jerry Lynn & Rob Van Dam
This was a decent match with the Impact Players working on Lynn building up for a comeback from RVD, RVD then just did his usual spots and the match kinda died from there.

Bret Hart: The Best There is, Best There Was & Best There Ever Will Be (Disc One) Review

Bret Hart: The Best There is, Best There Was & Best There Ever Will Be (Disc One)

- British Bulldogs vs Hart Foundation
This was a great match, there was a decent story going with the heels working on Davey Boy and overall nice work from all four guys. The ending was lame as they didn't really flow into a finish and the time limit draw just seemed so sudden.
*** 3/4

- Hart Foundation vs Killer Bees
This one had a better story than the first one with the Foundation working on Brunzell quite a bit until the very end when Blair made a big comeback until another time limit, again this felt sudden but it was still a very good match.
*** 1/4

Thursday, January 22, 2009

NJPW - Steiners vs Fujinami & Iizuka Review

NJPW -Steiners vs Fujinami & Iizuka

- Koji Kanemoto & Osamu Nishimura vs Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan
This was a good match with very young Tenzan/Kojima/Nishimura showing very good skill as young lions putting on a good showing with nice psychology with Kojima & Tenzan standing out more.
** 3/4

- The Steiner Brothers (c) vs Tatsumi Fujinami & Takayuki Iizuka (IWGP Tag Team Titles)
Weird pairing in the Japanese team but whatever this was a solid match, not the greatest either four could have produce but it was good enough for the event they were at which was some mid-card at a WCW event.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Michinoku Pro 'Luchamania' Review

Michinoku Pro 'Luchamania'
Time for some lucharesu, i have no idea what the card is so we'll just have to find out how good a show this is by watching it.

- Shiryu vs Monkey Magic
This could be interesting, This was an ok way to open the show..decent stuff Monkey was kind of a Spot Monkey (ba da bump)but either than that and the fact it was clipped to bits it was fine.

- Super Delfin (c) vs Sato (UWA Welterweight Title)
Sato is Dick Togo, this should be a good match, this was an alright match. The structure of it was kind of confusing but it had it good moments and it's boring moments, Togo working on Delfin's leg bringing some psychology to the match was pretty good but ignored eventually then the match just kind of dragged on and on with near falls until with the help from his buddies MEN's Teioh & Shiryu, Dick Togo got the win with a powerslam.
** 1/2

- Super Delfin & Gran Naniwa vs Hanzo Nakajima & Shiryu
This looks to be a good one, this looked fun but it was clipped to bits so no rating.

- Great Sasuke vs Some white guy
I don't know who the fuck the white guy is but he was pretty good, bringing in some psychology in the match working on Sasuke's arm, Sasuke just did his usual stuff and the match ended when Sasuke caught "White guy" with a flying cross body.
* 3/4

- Shiryu, Sato & Great Sasuke vs Gran Naniwa, Super Delfin & TAKA Michinoku
This should be a fucking kick ass match. This match was clipped to shreds so no rating but it looked like one hell of a match with lot's of crazy spots.

- MEN's Teioh & Shiryu vs ??? & Masato Yakushiji
I take back what i said, that isn't Naohiro Hoshikawa. This match was pretty boring, Kai En Tai just beat the shit out of the shooter guy until they finally finish him with a sleeper hold, not good.

- Great Sasuke & Naohiro Hoshikawa vs Gran Naniwa & TAKA Michinoku
Before the match starts Satoru Sayama presents Sasuke with some flowers, maybe looking for a date? With that crappy joke on hand this match looks like it could be pretty kick ass but we are clipped ten minutes into the match...damn it. This looked to be one hell of a match, it's such a shame this one was clipped, Team Naniwa & Michinoku dominated Hoshikawa until he made the hot tag then all hell broke loose and it became a heated back and forth tag team match with lots of near falls, great stuff.

- Super Delfin vs ??? (UWA Welterweight Title)
Man i'm getting pissed, this is the 3rd match where i have no idea who this guy is apparently he is from mexico and his name is something like perrito i can't really make it out. This match was boring, Frogboy (as i have so affectionately named him) just kicked the crap out of Delfin then Delfin made a small comeback and finally won with a German Suplex into a roll up for the win.

- Hanzo Nakajima vs White guy w/ Mullet
Arghhh, i think this guy's name is Dr. Ian but that doesn't make any sense anyway he looks like a shrimpy version of Tatanka and apparently some old Winged Gold WWF World Heavyweight Title Replica is on the line. This match bored the crap out of me and it had the worst pinfall in history as the finish.

- Super Delfin (c) vs TAKA Michinoku (UWA Welterweight Title)
Now this should be tight, i'm not Delfin's biggest fan but TAKA is the shit so let's see how this one goes. This was a good match, they started out with some nice chain wrestling then TAKA dominated most of the match working on Delfin's arm while Delfin got in a couple of moves, eventually after TAKA hit Delfin with everything he got, Delfin makes a comeback with a Rana for the win, good but not a great match.
** 3/4

Overall this was an alright tape but no recommended as it's very rare and nothing here is worth getting out of your way to see it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

ECW Hardcore Heaven 1994

I'm assuming this is already Extreme Championship Wrestling since the event is Hardcore Heaven, should be interesting watching something from ECW in 1994 but i'm not really expecting a great show seeing as how ECW didn't really start really breaking grounds until 1996.

- Hack Myers vs Rock'n Rebel
This should be the shits. Boring match, short thankfully but nothing worth seeing.

- Tommy Cairo vs Chad Austin
I've never seen either of these guys wrestle ever. A Squash match where Cairo beats the shit out of Austin then Austin get's an upset roll up for the win.

- Mikey Whipwreck (c) vs Jason (ECW Television Title)
I fucking love skinny loser Mikey Whipwreck! This could be fun. This was fun when Mikey was on offense doing his little underdog shtick but Jason was boring as hell, Mikey eventually wins by giving Jason a chairshot then all of a sudden the Pitbulls come and help Jason by crotching Mikey on the ringpost and Jason wins?! it's all very confusing anyway out from Tazmaniac (Taz) and Jimmy Snuka for our next match.

- Jimmy Snuka & Tazmaniac vs The Pitbulls
This could be a good solid match eventhough Snuka is way over his prime. So much for that theory, this match didn't even last one minute.

- Mr. Hughes vs 911
This is just fantastic, can't see this one going anywhere. Another short boring match, 911 wins with the Chokeslam.

- The Sandman vs Tommy Dreamer
This could be a decent match, i like Dreamer and the Sandman is fun to watch in a weird kind of could say he's a guilty pleasure of mine. Dreamer comes in and canes the shit out of everybody and get's DQ'ed for caning the ref, what a let down.

- Public Enemy (c) vs Ian & Axl Rotten (ECW Tag Team Titles)
This one has mess written all over it. I take back what i said, this was actually alright. This wasn't a mat classic but it was a good old fashioned brawl with weapons, also these guys we'rent so bad back in 1994. Overall a decent match, stipulations were kinda a stupid but the teams made it decent.
** 1/4

- Sabu vs Too Cold Scorpio
Scorpio is tight and all that shit, Sabu on the other hand while his stuff during this time was revolutionary it's just boring watching him do the same thing over and over and over again. This was actually watchable, Sabu did more than his usual stuff and ma nigga (it's ok i'm blasian) Scorpio did a good job of putting on the wrestling side of things, overall a decent showing.

- Terry Funk vs Cactus Jack
These two always bring out the best of each other, this should be just another great hardcore brawl. This started out as a nice brawl between Funk and Foley than in came the Public Enemy to attack Funk and help Foley but Foley didn't want their help so they attacked him too. All four went into a brawl and finally with both Public Enemy down in the ring, Funk asked for a chair and we got the famous moment where chairs from every direction were flying into the ring.
* 3/4

Not really much of a show but the final match is worth seeing for the part where all the chairs are thrown into the ring.